OSH - Safety and Health Of people with disabilities In workplaces - page 9

Occupational Safety and Hygiene for Disabled Employees
Dear Employers
According to the data of the commission of Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities, there
are hundreds of thousands of disabled people living in Israel, most of them within the
community, many of them at the working age; however, the labor market is not accessible
enough for this population. No doubt that disabled people can also contribute to the
productive economy in our country, however, the society must understand that the individuals’
disabilities are mainly stemming from the environment of the places where they live and work.
According to this perception, the employers got a major role in including disabled people in
their workplaces. Assimilation of equal opportunities in the labor market will enhance the
sense of occupational security, which constitutes the basis for independent life. One of the
major objectives in our society should be recruiting the employers as partners for success.
Many of the disabled people could have worked like any other individual, if the employers
would have modified the workplace to fit the disabled employee, and thus they would
demonstrate social responsibility fit for a normal society. Beyond the social responsibility, it
is important to emphasize that minimal changes of the environment may contribute quite
much to the workplace. It should be noted that disabled employees may often demonstrate
more efficiency and commitment towards the organization for the purpose of proving the
company that they are as efficient as anyone else.
The significance of a daily work routine is obvious to most of us, but we should not forget
the people who find the possibility to work quite a challenge.
I turn to you, dear employer, asking you to join the effort aiming at easing the integration of
disabled people in the labor market. This booklet, written by experts in the field of occupation,
safety and health, will help you to learn what can be done in frame of the employment of
disabled people in order to maintain their health and safety.
We got the opportunity to improve the business, to provide the disabled people with
opportunities, to enhance a true equality of opportunities and to lead to a just and stable
Dov Lautman of blessed memory
Former chairman of the Lautman fund
President of the industrialist association
And chairman of the coordination chamber
of the Israeli economic organizations
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